Desired Analysis: Multi-level modelling for complex survey design (with psu, strata, and weights)
Data Source: UK Longitudinal Household Survey ‘Understanding Society’
Exposure: Self-rated heath (Ordered categorical: 1- Very good: 5 – Very Poor) at Wave 3
Outcome: Moved Home (Binary: Yes/No) between Wave 3 And 6
I am trying to run a 2-Level logistic regression taking into account complex survey design. I have chosen to run this using the –svyset- and then –svy:melogit- command.
My two levels are Households (higher) and Individuals nested within these households (lower). The dataset provider provides values for psu, strata and a range of weights to allow for an ‘easy’ adaptation, yet I am struggling to run a successful model and receive numerous errors.
The code I am current running is:
svyset, clear svyset psu [pweight = f_indinub_lw ], strata(strata) svy: melogit move health || hidp:
hidp is the household identifier (level-2 identifer)
f_indinub_lw is a weight provided by the survey provider and scaled to fit longitudinal analyses of individually asked questions starting after wave 2 and running up to wave 6
I receive the Error:
survey final weights not allowed with multilevel models; a final weight variable was svyset using the [pw=exp] syntax, but multilevel models require that each stage-level weight variable is svyset using the stage's corresponding weight() option an error occurred when svy executed melogit
2. Question: Thinking about my levels, should the cluster variable (PSU) be one of my levels (I suspect the highest)? Again, how would I adapt this in my code?
I have seen a couple similar issues pop up in the forum but no solutions/replies. Any help is very greatly appreciated!!
Best wishes,
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