Hello everyone,

I am trying to do a horizontally stacked car plot with two over options. The main one are the districts (DEPARTAMENTODOMICILIO) and the one that I want to be stacked if (grupo_edad).
I am using the following code:

graph hbar inci2 inci3, over(grupo_edad) over(DEPARTAMENTODOMICILIO, sort(inc) label(labsize(tiny))) stack asyvars nofill legend(off) ytitle("Fallecidos COVID sospechosos y confirmados por millón") ylabel(0(1000)7000) blabel(bar,pos(i) color(white) size(tiny)) title("Mortalidad acumulada según región")

but I get this plot:


and I want it to be just I bar per DEPARTAMENTO like this and each bar divided by the age category (grupo_edad)


Thanks in advance!