Hi all, I am trying to generate some plots using the means for treatment/control group for various gender/age groups.
The dummy variables for each gender_agegroup are as follows: male19-24 =1, male 25-59=2, male60-64=3, and so on for females
The treatment group is treat=1 and I am observing trends in working hours across time for individual-level panel data.

The following seems to generate what I want (mean of treatment and control over time),

keep if gender_agegroup=1
collapse(mean) WorkingTime_Week, by (treat date)
reshape wide WorkingTime_Week, i(date) j(treat)
graph twoway line WorkingTime_Week* date, sort legend(label(1 "Control") label(2 "Treated"))
but I would like to smooth the line using something like lpoly, but it seems I cannot do it by simply changing the twoway line in the above code.
What would be a good way to accomplish this?

Best regards