Dear Stata community,

I am running the tsline command for a graph of average male unemployment by country over time. I have 24 countries, but when I run the command, tsline gives me the 24 lines with the 24 countries, but the "legend" area has an output of a maximum of 15 countries. So my graph has the 24 correct lines, but the legend had 15 countries and places 2 countries together.

The command I used:

collapse m_unemployed_at m_unemployed_be m_unemployed_cz m_unemployed_dk m_unemployed_ee m_unemployed_el m_unemployed_es m_unemployed_fi m_unemployed_fr m_unemployed_hu m_unemployed_ie m_unemployed_is m_unemployed_it m_unemployed_lt m_unemployed_lu m_unemployed_lv m_unemployed_nl m_unemployed_no m_unemployed_pl m_unemployed_pt m_unemployed_se m_unemployed_si m_unemployed_sk m_unemployed_uk, by(wave)

tsset wave

twoway (tsline m_unemployed_at m_unemployed_be m_unemployed_cz m_unemployed_dk m_unemployed_ee m_unemployed_el m_unemployed_es m_unemployed_fi m_unemployed_fr m_unemployed_hu m_unemployed_ie m_unemployed_is m_unemployed_it m_unemployed_lt m_unemployed_lu m_unemployed_lv m_unemployed_nl m_unemployed_no m_unemployed_pl m_unemployed_pt m_unemployed_se m_unemployed_si m_unemployed_sk m_unemployed_uk, recast(connected))

The graph I got is attached. As you can see, the names are overwritten in the legend area. Do you suggest any other command to make this output complete?