Hi all!

I am working with DHS data and I am analyzing marriage institutions and siblings' marriage time. I want to arrange variables as child order, sex, age and all variables connected with the corresponding child.
The data look like the following:

hh_number birth_order01 birth_order02 birth_order03 birth_order04 sex_of_child01 ... sex_of_child04 .. (many other variables like this)

1 2 1 - - f ... m
2 4 3 2 1
2 1 - -

As far as I understand, this is wide data, but I want to convert it to long data format. However, when I used this command:

reshape wide birth_order sex_of_child, i(hh_number) j(bord)

Stata is showing the error message:
variable bord not found
Data are already wide.

Ideally, I want the data to look like the following:
hh_number birth_order sex_of_child
1 2 f
1 1 f
2 4 (etc)
2 3
2 2
2 1

PS: even though it is already a wide data, I tried to reshape from long to wide, but it showed an error message :

variable id does not uniquely identify the observations

Would appreciate to get any help!
