
I'm running Stata 15.1 on a Mac OS. I'm currently working with aggregate time series data. The dependent variables are indexes of political attitudes for different political subgroups (e.g. white democrat, white republican). I'm interested in testing whether a specific exogenous variable has a stronger effect on one group's attitudes vs. the other. To this end, I specified two linear models with the SEM command--one for each of the subgroups of interest. I then used the 'test' command to see whether the standardized beta coefficient in model 1 (white democrats) is stronger than the coefficient in model 2. However, while doing this, I noticed that the test statistics in the SEM models were different than what can be observed in the conventional OLS (i.e. using the 'reg' command). The upshot is that variables that are marginally significant or insignificant (at the 95% level) in the OLS models achieve statistical significance in the SEM models. To illustrate this, here are the results from the SEM:

. sem (whdem5_policydiscrim1<-whdem5_policydiscrim1L1 media blkracial_pct anes_whdem_boomerX_epol  policy_spending3    consume
> r_sentiment2 whdem2_policymood1) if  year < 1996, stand
(9 observations with missing values excluded)

Endogenous variables

Observed:  whdem5_policydiscrim1

Exogenous variables

Observed:  whdem5_policydiscrim1L1 media blkracial_pct anes_whdem_boomerX_epol policy_spending3 consumer_sentiment2

Fitting target model:

Iteration 0:   log likelihood = -516.36592  
Iteration 1:   log likelihood = -516.36592  

Structural equation model                       Number of obs     =         40
Estimation method  = ml
Log likelihood     = -516.36592

Standardized       Coef.   Std. Err.      z    P>z     [95% Conf. Interval]

whdem5_policydiscrim1L1    .6394075   .0840223     7.61   0.000     .4747269    .8040882
media    .3522813   .1699684     2.07   0.038     .0191493    .6854133
blkracial_pct    .1872766    .160491     1.17   0.243      -.12728    .5018332
anes_whdem_boomerX_epol   -.1627897   .1832061    -0.89   0.374     -.521867    .1962876
policy_spending3    .3268914    .173965     1.88   0.060    -.0140736    .6678565
consumer_sentiment2    .0982929   .0846609     1.16   0.246    -.0676393    .2642252
whdem2_policymood1    .4730785   .1544848     3.06   0.002     .1702939    .7758631
_cons   -4.837008   2.321672    -2.08   0.037    -9.387403   -.2866138

var(e.whdem5_policydiscrim1)   .1698421   .0374261                      .1102748    .2615861

LR test of model vs. saturated: chi2(0)   =      0.00, Prob > chi2 =      .
As you can see, the p-value for the media variable in the above model (for group 1) is 0.038.

Now here are the results from using the 'reg' command:

. regress whdem5_policydiscrim1 L.whdem5_policydiscrim1 media blkracial_pct   anes_whdem_boomerX_epol    policy_spending3    cons
> umer_sentiment2 whdem2_policymood1  if whdem2_policymood1!=. & year < 1996  , beta

Source        SS           df       MS      Number of obs   =        40
F(7, 32)        =     22.34
Model   1036.04676         7   148.00668   Prob > F        =    0.0000
Residual   211.965001        32  6.62390627   R-squared       =    0.8302
Adj R-squared   =    0.7930
Total   1248.01176        39  32.0003016   Root MSE        =    2.5737

whdem5_policydiscrim1       Coef.   Std. Err.      t    P>t                     Beta

L1.    .6418976   .1061421     6.05   0.000                 .6394075

media     4.62368   2.518701     1.84   0.076                 .3522813
blkracial_pct     .519159   .4989768     1.04   0.306                 .1872766
anes_whdem_boomerX_epol   -4.352578   5.486595    -0.79   0.433                -.1627897
policy_spending3    2.483215   1.489468     1.67   0.105                 .3268914
consumer_sentiment2    .0526498   .0508577     1.04   0.308                 .0982929
whdem2_policymood1    .4584689   .1709626     2.68   0.011                 .4730785
_cons   -27.01819   15.10765    -1.79   0.083                        .
As you can see, the p-value for the media variable is 0.076. I recognize that SEM is using z-statistics while OLS is using t-statistics, but I'm not sure why this would result in different p-values. Either way, which test results are more reliable here? Thank you for your help!