Dear all,

I estimate two models by using user written command oaxaca_rif. The reference is the following: Rios-Avila, F. 2020. Recentered influence functions (RIFs) in Stata: RIF regression and RIF decomposition. Stata Journal, 20(1), 51-94.

I want to test if explained part and unexplained part of the decomposition are the same in two estimated decompositions. The dependent and independet variables are the same, the only difference is time period, i.e. one estimation is for year 2013, and the other is for year 2016. Suest and test commands cannot be used with weighting procedure and bootstrap standard errors. I can estimate withouth bootstrap st.errors, but reweighting is the main point why I use oaxaca_rif command instead of standard oaxaca command. The oaxaca_rif command use reweighting procedure for contrafactual distribution in the sense of DiNardo, J., Fortin, N.M., Lemieux (1996).

Could you please give me suggestion how to test the equality of coefficients between two estimated models? Here is the comand used
bootstrap: oaxaca_rif lyhw $demo $emp $occup if y4==1 , by(female) wgt(0) rif(q(50)) rwprobit($demo $emp $occup $children)

Thank you in advance.

Best regrads,