
With the following code I am able to run the regressions and get the constant and the t-statistic.

eststo er1: quietly reg er1 MktRF SMB HML
eststo er2: quietly reg er2 MktRF SMB HML
eststo er3: quietly reg er3 MktRF SMB HML
eststo er4: quietly reg er4 MktRF SMB HML
eststo er5: quietly reg er5 MktRF SMB HML
eststo er6: quietly reg er6 MktRF SMB HML
eststo er7: quietly reg er7 MktRF SMB HML
eststo er8: quietly reg er8 MktRF SMB HML
eststo er9: quietly reg er9 MktRF SMB HML
esttab, t nostar r2
mat list r(coefs)
esttab r(coefs, transpose)
eststo clear
I would like to create two tables that looks as follows:
er1 _cons er2 _cons er3 _cons
er4 _cons er5 _cons er6 _cons
er7 _cons er8 _cons er9 _cons
and the second with the t-statistics
er1 _t-stat er2 _t-stat er3 _t-stat
er4 _t-stat er5 _t-stat er6 _t-stat
er7 _t-stat er8 _t-stat er9 _t-stat
Does anybody know how I can create such tables?

Thank you very much for your help.