Dear all

I am trying to design a ROC curve and find the optimal cut off point.
My reference variable is "CardiacD" where 0 is "Heart disease" and 1 is "Valve Disease"
My class variable is "meanagreedvalue" which is a continuous variable.

I am trying to create a ROC CURVE and find the optimal cut off point for "meanagreedvalue" that will help differentiate between Heart disease and Valve disease.

The data is all normally distributed.

My code is :
rocreg CardiacD meanagreedvalue, probit

But when I plot this, I get a totally inverse ROC curve than what I am expecting:

This does not quite make sense to me but I am not sure what mistake I have made.

For the optimal cutoff point I have used the cutpt command

cutpt CardiacD Meanagreedvalue, noadjust

Many thanks in advance and greatly appreciated.