I am running a RDD with the rdrobust command and always after calculating the output, Stata says that there is a type mismatch. My dependent variable is a count variable (fertility - micro level data) and my running variable is continuous (distance to a border in meter - the distance is the same for everyone living within a specific area). My output and code is shown below.
That the number of obs says "XOSA", which is apparently a bug of the plug in discussed in a different post (https://www.statalist.org/forums/for...vations-in-rdd). Does anyone know why there could be a type mismatch?
. rdrobust fert dist_other_religion_1a_c, kernel(triangular) p(2) h(100000) Sharp RD estimates using local polynomial regression. Cutoff c = 0 | Left of c Right of c Number of obs = XOSA -------------------+---------------------- BW type = Manual Number of obs | 558738 302849 Kernel = Triangular Eff. Number of obs | 301660 176309 VCE method = NN Order est. (p) | 2 2 Order bias (q) | 3 3 BW est. (h) | 1.00e+05 1.00e+05 BW bias (b) | 1.00e+05 1.00e+05 rho (h/b) | 1.000 1.000 Outcome: fert. Running variable: dist_other_religion_1a_c. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Method | Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------------+------------------------------------------------------------ Conventional | .37458 .02474 15.1399 0.000 .326085 .423068 Robust | - - 6.1781 0.000 .137412 .265111 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- type mismatch r(109); end of do-file
Were you able to solve the problem? The same is happening to me, and I can't solve it.