I have used the command "reshape" for years very frequently. However, when I tried to ran it again today, it did not work.

Specification: There is a variable "id" (uniquely identifying the data) and 36 variables "seq1"-"seq36" in the data set

I tried this command
"reshape long seq1-seq36, i(id) j(j)"
"reshape long seq*, i(id) j(j)"

I got this response (in red):
"no xij variables found
You typed something like reshape wide a b, i(i) j(j).
reshape looked for existing variables named a# and b# but could not find any. Remember this picture:

long wide
+---------------+ +------------------+
| i j a b | | i a1 a2 b1 b2 |
|---------------| <--- reshape ---> |------------------|
| 1 1 1 2 | | 1 1 3 2 4 |
| 1 2 3 4 | | 2 5 7 6 8 |
| 2 1 5 6 | +------------------+
| 2 2 7 8 |

long to wide: reshape wide a b, i(i) j(j) (j existing variable)
wide to long: reshape long a b, i(i) j(j) (j new variable)

Does anybody know, why the command does not work and/or knows how I can work around this problem?

I would be very grateful for any suggestions!