I'm trying to plot a matrix as a pdf file. There are two things in particular I would like this plot to have;
1) I want each cell two display two numbers, preferably one at top and one at bottom. (eg. Coefficient on top, pvalue at bottom)
2) I would like to color the matrix cells with respect to *both* of these numbers. (eg. Dark blue for big coefficient low p value, blue for low coefficient low p value, light blue for big coefficient big p value, white for low coefficient high p value)
I would appreciate it if you could provide me with a way of doing this.
I'm running Stata 15 SE on mac os.
- I've tried using the heatplot command. Although I've managed to do it such that each cell displays two numbers, apparently there is no way to color cells with respect to two distinct numbers. Below you can find the options I used in that command:
heatplot C, values(format(%9.3f) mlabsize(vsmall) ) legend(off) cuts(0.0001 0.05) color( hcl , blues intensity(.4)) /// graphregion(color(white)) yscale(titlegap(1.2)) xscale(titlegap(2)) /// addplot((scatter j i, ms(i) mlabel(ci) mlabpos(12) mlabsize(small) mlabgap(1.5) mlabcolor(black) fcolor(gs10) ))
- I've also tried using plotmatrix command, for which addplot command was not allowed. I could not report both values in each cell, I could only specify one value per cell.
Thank you for your time,
Emre Oral
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