Dear everyone,

I hope you are all doing well. I am a beginner in panel data analysis and Stata. My project is on how particular project-teams have reacted to a company intervention, and in particular the level of project complexity they were willing to undertake after the intervention. I have weekly data for all teams and I want to examine (a) the weekly-differential effect on the project complexity that the teams were willing to undertake after the intervention and (b) the effect of certain team characteristics, namely how hierarchical they are, creative, risk taking and collective in their decision making on the project complexity they were willing to undertake.

The model specification I have written is:

: [ATTACH=CONFIG]temp_20296_1605025687299_531[/ATTACH]
Where, PROJCOMPiw = project complexity for Team i at Week w
TREATMENTiw = Dummy equal to 1 during the week of intervention and 0 otherwise
TEAMCHARiw = A group of covariates that include the team characteristics (hierarchical, creative, risk taking and collective in their decision making).
SIZEiw = Control variable for Team Size

Can you please let me know whether my specification makes sense?
I am not sure whether I should multiply my treatment variable with the TEAMCHAR too (in the Second Sum).

Can you also please help me with how this specification would be coded in Stata and how it would be plotted?

I have uploaded my data if this helps,

Thank you very much in advance,

Best wishes,