I am working on a sugar tax evaluation, using an interrupted time series model that accounts for two implementation periods where the sugar tax increased. I am having trouble graphing the counterfactual line for the two periods after the interventions. As a note: I have used itsa as well, but this user-written command does not allow me to add the counterfactual lines to the graph. Therefore, I have estimated the equation using newey and interaction for each of the tax periods - the first tax is inclusive of weeks 1 to 37; tax 2 is inclusive of weeks 63 to 103. Below is the code I have been using to plot my graph, however the counterfactual plot does not match the results I am getting with itsa, nor does it make theoretical sense, as the estimates plotted do not overlap the fitted values, even when the itsa command returns non-significant results. Either my code to include the two treatment periods is incorrectly specified, or my prediction equations are incorrect. Any help would be greatly appreciated Ariel Linden!
Note: vpc is my outcome of interest, which stands for volume per capita, newid is the type of product I am looking at, in this example, newid ==2 is the non-sugary drinks.
itsa command:
itsa vpc overall trend holidays season, single treat(2) trperiod(37 63) lag(1) posttrend figure
manual command to make graph with counterfactuals plotted in it:
* regression
newey vpc tax1 tax1#c.week tax2 tax2#c.week tax1#tax2 overall trend holidays season if newid==2, lag(1)
* generate predicted values based on model
predict pred if newid==2
* generate the counterfactual
gen pred1 = pred - _b[tax1] if tax1==1 & tax2==0 & newid==2
gen pred2 = pred - _b[tax1] - _b[tax2] if tax1==1 & tax2==1 & newid==2
* plot scatter graph
twoway (scatter vpc week if newid==2) ///
(line pred week, lcolor(black)) ///
(line pred1 week, lcolor(black) lpattern(dash)) ///
(line pred2 week, lcolor(black) lpattern(dash)) , ///
xline(37 63) ///
legend(order(1 "Weekly sales" 2 "Fitted values" 3 "Counterfactual")) ///
ytitle("Weekly sales (fl oz/capita)")
If useful, the taxes are defined as following:
gen tax1 = 1 if week >= 37
replace tax1 = 0 if week < 37
lab var tax1 "Tax 1 (@Week 37)"
lab def tax 0 "Pre-tax" 1 "Post-tax"
gen tax2 = 1 if week >= 63
replace tax2 = 0 if week < 63
lab var tax2 "Tax 2 (@Week 63)"
Thanks in advance for any support,
Alexa Segal (PhD Candidate at Imperial College London)
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