Dear Statalanders,

While importing the attached mdl_course.csv with -import delimited- in Stata 16, the variable "fullname" is read as strL (long string) which is not its natural fit -- since the longest string it contains is 134 characters long:

. import delimited using mdl_course.csv, delimiter(",") encoding("utf-8") clear
(30 vars, 144 obs)

. d fullname

              storage   display    value
variable name   type    format     label      variable label
fullname        strL    %9s
In contrast, -insheet- seems to be working properly:

. insheet using mdl_course.csv, comma names clear
(30 vars, 144 obs)
. d fullname

              storage   display    value
variable name   type    format     label      variable label
fullname        str134  %134s

Do you have any hint to explain the difference? Why could -import delimited- be reading the variable as strL instead of str134?
