I got a data set where I extracted the Month and the Year (both numerical) as the next table shows.
Year Month_Num 1990 1 1990 2 1990 3 1990 4 1990 5 1990 6
I have tried combining Month_Num and Year into a single variable which is a string variable of the form:
Year Month_Num YM 1990 1 1-1990 1990 2 2-1990 1990 3 3-1990 1990 4 4-1990 1990 5 5-1990 1990 6 6-1990
But when I use
gen date=date(YM, "MY")
format date %tm
It produces results way strange,
Year Month_Num YM date 1990 1 1-1990 2873m3 1990 2 2-1990 2875m10 1990 3 3-1990 2878m2 1990 4 4-1990 2880m9 1990 5 5-1990 2883m3 1990 6 6-1990 2885m10
I know there should be an easy way by just using the Month_Num and Year variable and put them together and simply format it as time monthly. But I wasn't able to figure out a solution.
Thank you for your time.
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