
I am trying to make a Forest plot of odds ratios. The studies cannot be combined, I'm only trying to display results graphically. I can't seem to move the null reference line from 0 to 1. I'll admit I've resorted to clicking through the options from the taskbar!

However this is the code:

meta forestplot , sort(_meta_es, ascending) nometashow nonotes noomarker noohetstats noghetstats noosigtest noohomtest ///
nogwhomtests nogbhomtests nooverall nullrefline

This is my data:
authors year age group aor lowerci upperci samplesize
1 2007 adults 5.04 1.89 13.48 6588
2 2013 adults 2.16 1.8 2.58 224254
3 2016 older adults 1.55 0.9 2.7 2166
4 2011 adults 1.2 1.02 1.42 2,255,406

If anyone can help me to move the null reference line, I'd be really grateful.

Thank you,