I think it might be related to the estimates store not properly working (in bold). I'd appreciate any tips on how to work through this

// initializing the regression model and variables to run the model on
local variables placeholdera placeholderb placeholderc placeholderd placeholdere
local num_variables: word count `variables'
local subcategories i.placeholder1 i.placeholder2 i.placeholder3 i.placeholder4 i.placeholder5 i.placeholder6 i.placeholder7 i.placeholder8
local num_subcategories: word count `subcategories'

// initializing matrix to store regression results in
matrix var_Tracker = J(`num_variables',`num_subcategories', .)

// for loop to run regression models on the variables and subcategories
forval i=1/`num_variables'{
    local this_Variable `: word `i' of `variables'' // STRAY ' REMOVED
    local cumulative_Subcategories = ""
    di "`this_Variable'"
    forval j=1/`num_subcategories' {
        local item : word `j' of `subcategories'
        di "`item'"
        local cumulative_Subcategories `cumulative_Subcategories' `item'
        di "`cumulative_Subcategories'"
        logit `this_Variable' `cumulative_Subcategories', or
        estimates store reg`i'_`j'

local cumulative_reg = ""
forval i=1/`num_variables'{
    forval j=1/`num_subcategories' {
    local cumulative_reg `cumulative_reg' `reg`i'_`j''

coefplot `cumulative_reg', eform drop(_cons) xscale(log range(.5 2)) omitted xline(1, lcolor(black) lwidth(thin) lpattern(dash))