I have a long dataset with multiple observations per patient id. I’m trying to generate a medical claims payment variable by patient id for different claim types (outpatient, inpatient, etc) for a period of 30 days, 60 days, and 90 days. My variables are: totpay_line - the variable to be summed across all rows corresponding to an id; ClaimTyp_Crosswalk – a categorical variable that identifies different claim types; r30 - a binary variable where 1 implies that a claim is within the 30 day window; and id – patient id.
Since I can’t use the if statement as in my code below, how can I do this without reshaping the data?
egen totpay_claim30 = sum(totpay_line), by(id ClaimTyp_Crosswalk) if r30==1
PS: I apologise for not using dataex to post a sample of the dataset. I am working off a remote server that doesn’t allow me to access the internet through it and I can’t copy the data outside of it.
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