I'm working on a Interrupted Time Series analysis.
I have individual level data of over 30k subjects. My variables of interest are year of diagnosis (YEAR_OF_DIAGNOSIS), the treatment variable which creates 2 groups ("expand" 1/0), and the outcome of interest (uninsured 1/0).
YEAR_OF_DIAGNOSIS is in "double" format.
If I sort the data by year of diagnosis and expand and attempt to declare data as a time series, I get an error: "repeated time values within panel."
I assume this is because this is individual level data.
sort expand YEAR_OF_DIAGNOSIS tsset expand YEAR_OF_DIAGNOSIS
sort expand YEAR_OF_DIAGNOSIS collapse uninsured, by (YEAR_OF_DIAGNOSIS expand) list tsset expand YEAR_OF_DIAGNOSIS
However, I'm not sure if this is the correct way of doing this. Is there a better way, by actually using the individual level data?
I would appreciate any help.
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