So i do my estpost/esttab like that :
estpost summarize hb if city=="1", detail | e(count) e(sum_w) e(mean) e(Var) e(sd) e(skewn~) e(kurto~) e(sum) e(min) e(max) -------------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hb | 403 403 14.22308 3.909242 1.97718 .6024102 5.319719 5731.9 8.6 24 | e(p1) e(p5) e(p10) e(p25) e(p50) e(p75) e(p90) e(p95) e(p99) -------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hb | 10 11 12 13.1 14.1 15.3 16.7 17.4 18.7 esttab . using Test, cells("count p25 p50 p75") noobs rtf
Is it possible?
btw i want the percentage of non missings values. For example, i have 403 non missing values over 750 (so 54%)
I have a lot of tables to do so I would like to have all this information in a file
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