Dear Statalists,

I am investigating the effect of a liberalisation of the divorce law on the fertility rates in Danish municipalities (this effect is negative and significant). The data I am using is panel data. To see which municipalities have been affected the most, I have calculated the percentage change in the fertility rate between 2008 and 2018 for each municipality. Now, I want to illustrate this using Stata's command

My problem is that the municipalities that are affected the most have the lowest value and thus the lightest shade whereas the municipalities that are affected the least have the highest value and thus the darkest shade. This seems counterintuitive which is why I want to reverse the color scale in the shape map.

Here is my code:
clear all
cd /Users/maigoetzsche/Desktop
ssc install shp2dta
ssc install spmap

use denmark_dat, clear
rename NAME_2 municipality
replace municipality = "Copenhagen" if  municipality =="København"
replace municipality = "Ærø" if  municipality =="Ærø"
replace municipality = "Aarhus" if  municipality =="Århus"
replace municipality = "Høje-Taastrup" if  municipality =="Høje Taastrup"
replace municipality = "Vesthimmerlands" if  municipality =="Vesthimmerland"
save  denmark_harm, replace

import excel "Datasheets.xlsx", sheet("Data10") firstrow clear
drop id            
save main, replace    
use denmark_harm, clear
merge 1:1 municipality using main
spmap divorcechange using denmark_co, plotregion(lcolor(black)) fcolor(OrRd) id(id) osize(vthin vthin vthin vthin) ndsize(vthin)  ///  
legend(position(2)) legtitle("fertilitychange") clnumber(9) legend(size(medium))
This gives the following:

Can anyone help?

Thank you in advance.
