Dear All,
It should be fairly simply, but I am very confused as to how I should refer to a location in a matrix. I want to store certain column's of the regression output in a new matrix. To do so I start by creating an empty matrix and try to save first column (all rows) of matrix m1 in first column of matrix m:

mat m=J(15,27, .)

svy: regress y x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 x6 x7 x8 x9 x10 x11 x12 x13 x14
mat m1=r(table)'
mat m[1..,1]=m1[1..,1]
But I get the following error:

 mat m[1..,1]=m1[1..,1]
1.. invalid name
1 is supposed to be a location (r x c) and not a name. How does one specify a "location" within a matrix in Stata? Seems like such a basic thing but I have tried many versions and it seems I am missing something fundamental about row-column address spec in Stata matrices.

I will be grateful for your help and also reference to a guide to using matrices in Stata please.
Many thanks.