Hi all. I've been hunting online for a while now but can't seem to find a good solution for this yet. Hoping someone can please help.

I've been using the "adjustrcspline" and "mfxrcspline" packages to model non-linear associations (activity and telomeres). The packages are helpful, but I am finding some aspects a bit clunky. The main thing I am struggling with is removing the empty space in the final plots for adjustrcspline.

It doesn't seem to be possible to limit x and y axis ranges despite using xscale and yscale and other tools usually used for plotting. I want to focus on trim and focus certain portions of the spline plot, but I don't want to have to drop data in order to do that or the spline is calculated differently. Even if I remove the scatter plot, I am still left with empty space.

I've attached the output of the below code for context so you can see what I mean about the extra space. I would ideally like to be able to plot this spline and focus on the areas of interest (i.e. as currently plotted and trimmed for spline) with useful restricted axis. Even if I remove the scatter and set the ranges for y-axis (e.g. yscale(r(-1 1)) xscale(r(0 50)) ), I still have extra space (i.e. see 2nd and 3rd images).

Perhaps there are even better ways to model these regression splines now with flexibility (i.e. to be able to pull out the data from the plot and plot using a twoway)?

Thanks in advance!

clear all
use "$data\analysis.dta", clear
set more off

global cov1
global cov2 age sex
global cov3 $cov2 education employment smoking
global cov4 $cov3 bmi

global xvars enmo_accel_ad intensity  //activity volume and intensity
global yvars telomere

local model = "M"
foreach x of global xvars{
foreach y of global yvars{
    forvalues i = 1/4{        //foreach model of global covars{

su `x', d
return list
    egen p2_5 = pctile(`x'), p(2.5)
    egen p97_5 = pctile(`x'), p(97.5)
mkspline2 rc = `x', cubic nknots(4) displayknots
    regress `y' rc* ${cov`i'}
    adjustrcspline if (`x' >p2_5 & `x' <p97_5) , name(a) addplot(scatter `y' `x' , below msymbol(oh) msize(small) mcolor(%40)) scheme(plottigblind) ///    //Predicted outcome against spline variable
        title(Adjusted predictions) subtitle("n=`e(N)'; `x'; model=$cov`model'`i'", size(small) ring(0) pos(11))  /*CAN'T SEEM TO LIMIT THE X and Y AXIS IN PLOT - EVEN IF REMOVE addplot(scatter) - e.g. yscale(r(-1 1)) xscale(r(0 50)) */ 
    mfxrcspline , yline(0) name(b) title(Marginal effects) scheme(plottigblind) ///      //Change in predicted outcome for a unit change in exposure
    graph combine a b, ysize(3)
        graph export "$results/Prelim_Spline_plots/`x'_`y'_$cov`model'`i'.png", replace
        drop rc* p2_5 p97_5
        graph drop _all
