so my files are like that :
and i want to append and to have only 2 files like that :
i found a loop to do that, but i need to do 1 loop for every type of documents (i don't have only visites and events but more)
For example for "visites" mine is :
local date_export="20-10-08"
save ..._visites.`date_export'.dta, emptyok replace
local myfiles: dir "`pwd'" files "*visites.`date_export'.csv"
foreach x in `myfiles' {
import delimited "`x'", stringcols(_all) clear
gen Site= "`x'"
replace Site="Paris" if strpos(Site,"beni")
replace Site="Madrid" if strpos(Site,"butembo")
replace Site="London" if strpos(Site,"mangina")
append using ..._visites.`date_export'.dta
save ..._visites.`date_export'.dta,replace
It works, but i would like to get one loop (or 2, one in the other i never did it)
I would like to change "visites" by an other loop
I tried this but it doesn't work
local date_export="20-10-08"
local type_data="visites events"
foreach x of local `type_data' {
save ..._`x'.`date_export'.dta, emptyok replace
local myfiles_`x' : dir "`pwd'" files "*`x'.`date_export'.csv"
foreach y in `myfiles_`x'' {
import delimited "`y'", stringcols(_all) clear
gen Site= "`y'"
replace Site="Paris" if strpos(Site,"paris")
replace Site="Madrid" if strpos(Site,"madrid")
replace Site="London" if strpos(Site,"london")
append using vainqueurs_`x'.`date_export'.dta
save vainqueurs_`x'.`date_export'.dta,replace
I have this error : { required r(100);
Ty !
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