Hi, i've a file with all my labels values, and i would like to put them into my database.

My .csv is like that (with many more variables) :

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input str13 dico str22 label byte value
"habitat" "Appartement"             4
"habitat" "Autre"                   6
"habitat" "Case"                    3
"habitat" "Concession"              2
"habitat" "Construction précaire"  5
"habitat" "Villa"                   1
"sexe"    "Féminin"                2
"sexe"    "Masculin"                1
"neg"     "Negatif"                -1
"neg"     "Positif"                 1
"neg"     "Manquant"               -9
and my database is like this :

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input byte(ID habitat sexe neg)
1 4 1 -1
2 4 1 -1
3 2 2 -9
4 1 2  1
5 5 1  1
I would like to put labels values into my database for example i want this but with every variables :
label define sexe 1 Masculin 2 Féminin

Thanks !