Hi all,

I want to plot on the same graph the effect of a predictor for both conditional and unconditional quantile regression. Therefore, after having stored the coefficient for each quantile for both models, I am using the following code:

 twoway rarea _lb_uqr _ub_uqr q, color("eltblue")  fintensity(5) || rarea _lb_cqr _ub_cqr q,color("red") fintensity(5) yline(0) || line _b_uqr q || line _b_cqr q,  ///
legend(order(1 "95% confidence interval (UQR)" 2 "95% confindence interval (CQR)" 3 "UQR effect" 4 "CQR effect") cols(1))  ytitle(effect of social origin)  ylab(,angle(0) format(%7.0gc))  xlab(10(10)90) xtitle(percentile of log-income)
This is the output:


Although I can graph quite nicely the overall-effect, the confidence interval overlaps too much and I do not know how to make them transparent in Stata14. I am aware that for recent versions can be used the % symbol within the color option, is there a way to make the confidence intervals transparent and clearly visible (and therefore also the yline(0) perfectly visible too)?
