I have used the following model:
xtreg GG i.Event##(c.centered_Age c.centered_SIZE c.centered_Fcost ) i.Year, fe cluster ( COMPANY)
The Coefficient of FCost before the Event is 0.574 and it is not significant, while the coefficient after the event Fcost*Event is 0.967 and it is significant.
So, I think that means Event have a positive effect on the relationship between Fcost and GG, so if we sum both coefficients (0.574+0.967) = 1.541, and that means the association between GG and Fcost is positive after the Event
However, I have conducted the following codes for GG and Fcost to see the mean value for each variable before and after the Event:
by Event, sort: summ GG by Event, sort: summ Fcost
Also, the result shows that the mean value of FCost before the Event is 0.25 and after Event 0.19.
Thus, this indicates that both GG and FCost have been decreased after the Event, but I am surprised that the results of DID showed a positive relationship.
So, my question, when we say a positive relationship, does it mean that both variables are linked or going in the same direction regardless of whether they are going to the positive/negative values. If yes, then the results make sense to me, but if not, could you please advise.
Many thanks in advance.
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