Greeting Experts,

I am using Stata to create and analyze a mixed effect model for my data. I tested participants (22) in two conditions (Hungry-Satiety) where they have to decide if they can reach or not(binomial response yes=1, no=0) a food item (divided into 4 categories,15 different items pro category, 60 items in total) presented in front of them in different positions (1 to 7). All participants responded to all the trials in both conditions.

So, I decided to to run a mixed effects models (crossed random effect) SUBJ (ID) and ITEMS with a binomial response (melogit). Considering the variables:

Response: Independant variable
Condition, Position and Items : Fixed Factors
ID: random itercept
Items: random slope

My question is if the following Syntax I wrote is right or I forgot to add something:

melogit Response Condition Position Items|| ID:R.Items

Thank a lot in advance for your answer