Hello expert stata
I'm new to stata. I had an exercise from the class for analysing the data.
the first thing i need to create the variable metabolic syndrome (0=not disease) (1=disaese) but it has the conditions that i hadnt figure it out how to do it .
the criteria for diagnosis metabolic syndrome are having 3 or more of the five items

1. Elevated waist circumference:
- Men — wc ≥ 90 cm
- Women — wc ≥ 80 cm
2. Reduced HDL-Cholesterol:
- Men — hdl < 40 mg/dL
- Women — hdl < 50 mg/dL
3. Elevated triglycerides: tg ≥ 150 mg/dL
4. Elevated blood pressure: sbp ≥ 130 mmHg or dbp ≥ 85 mmHg
5. Elevated fasting glucose: fpg ≥ 100 mg/dL

teacher gave me all of these variables (wc, HDL, TG, BP, fasting glucose)
i dont know how to create a variable that having condition of "at least 3" ( it can also be 4 or 5 items )