Dear Stata users,

I have been trying to replicate the following paper from Arne Risa Hole (2007) :

Particularly, I am interested to replicate this part marked in yellow below: On average, consumers prefer lower costs, shorter contract length, a local and wellknown provider, and fixed rather than variable rates. Further, there is signicant preference
heterogeneity for all the attributes. From the magnitudes of the standard deviations relative to the mean coefficients, whereas practically all consumers prefer fixed to variable rates, 21% prefer longer contracts, 14% prefer a provider that is not local, and 9% prefer a provider that is not well known.


I could not realize how to get the value of the cumulative standard normal distribution.

Does any of you had any experience with this, or have an idea on how to calculate the share of respondents with certain preferences from a mixed logit model in Stata?

Thank you,