I have household survey data from a country with the following variables:
district ID (distid)
household ID (hhid)
size of household (nrt)
total household monthly expenditure (expr)
educational attainment (in years)
A dummy variable for whether the individual is literate (0) or not (1)
Age of Individual
household weight
I am wanting to calculate the
Adult Literacy Rate
for each district in the sample. That is, I want to calculate the % of the population aged 15 and above that is literate. However, I am unsure of how to incorporate the household weights into this calculation and what stata command to use.
I have already used the weights to calculate average monthly expenditure per capita in each district:
gen exppc = expr/nrt
collapse (mean) exppc [w=wert], by (distid)
And I am comfortable with that application and result. However, I am uncertain of how to make use of the household weights when calculating the indicator for literacy rates.
Any advice would be appreciated.
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