I'm using Sata 14.2 under Win 7E. I have run the following code to check the boundaries of common support in a propensity score model:

. psmatch2 anesthesia encounter_age bsa2 qrs2 rightventsize, /*
*/kernel k(biweight) common logit

tab _pscore _support
The results are interesting:

 psmatch2: |   psmatch2: Common
Propensity |        support
     Score | Off suppo  On suppor |     Total
       .61 |         0          1 |         1
       .66 |         0          1 |         1
       .68 |         1          0 |         1
       .71 |         0          1 |         1
       .74 |         0          1 |         1
       .76 |         0          1 |         1
       .77 |         0          1 |         1
       .83 |         1          0 |         1
       .85 |         1          0 |         1
       .92 |         1          0 |         1
     Total |         4        225 |       229
How can .68 be off support but everything above it is on support as well four observations below it? I want t specify the boundaries of support in kmatch, but it appears that it requires a continuous interval of support to my understanding. What should I do?