I am sorry if I this may be a trivial question and if it has already been discussed. I searched through the forum but didn't find a solution.
I have bilateral data on migration and I would like to create a new variable in which the observation of Belgium and Luxembourg are summed, obtaining a "Belgium-Luxembourg" i_country (keeping all other countries and variables.
The sum (of Total, Male and Female) should be by year, destination country (j_*).
Could please someone give me some advice??
Hoping that I have made this clear, thank you in advance!
i_country | i_code | i_iso2 | i_iso3 | j_country | j_code | j_iso2 | j_iso3 | year | Total | Male | Female |
Luxembourg | 442 | LU | LUX | United Arab Emirates | 784 | AE | ARE | 2017 | |||
Belgium | 56 | BE | BEL | United Arab Emirates | 784 | AE | ARE | 2017 | |||
Belgium | 56 | BE | BEL | United Kingdom | 826 | GB | GBR | 2017 | 36822 | 16373 | 20449 |
Luxembourg | 442 | LU | LUX | United Kingdom | 826 | GB | GBR | 2017 | 1714 | 793 | 921 |
Belgium | 56 | BE | BEL | United Republic of Tanzania | 834 | TZ | TZA | 2017 | |||
Luxembourg | 442 | LU | LUX | United Republic of Tanzania | 834 | TZ | TZA | 2017 | |||
Belgium | 56 | BE | BEL | United States Virgin Islands | 850 | VI | VIR | 2017 | |||
Luxembourg | 442 | LU | LUX | United States Virgin Islands | 850 | VI | VIR | 2017 | |||
Belgium | 56 | BE | BEL | United States of America | 840 | US | USA | 2017 | 36310 | 17775 | 18535 |
Luxembourg | 442 | LU | LUX | United States of America | 840 | US | USA | 2017 | 2626 | 1290 | 1336 |
Belgium | 56 | BE | BEL | Uruguay | 858 | UY | URY | 2017 | |||
Luxembourg | 442 | LU | LUX | Uruguay | 858 | UY | URY | 2017 | |||
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