Hi All,

I am trying to produce a graph with 10 variables that is not stack but sorted in a descending manner so that variables with "0" values are put at the back and those with "1" values sorted together for better visual display. Below is my syntax but I cannot manage to sort the data and my output looks like the attached picture.

graph bar fgrp1_carbs_produce fgrp2_pulses_produce fgrp3_nuts_produce fgrp4_d
> airy_produce fgrp5_meat_produce fgrp6_eggs_produce fgrp7_greenveg_produce fgr
> p8_otherfruitveg_produce fgrp9_otherveg_produce fgrp10_otherfruit_produce, ov
> er(occupatn_cat,sort(2) descending label(labsize(small))) percent ylabel(0(20
> .0)100.0)  bar(1, color("2 32 31")) bar(2, color("5 75 73")) bar(3, color("7 
> 105 100"))bar(4, color("1 161 154")) bar(5, color("176 0 0")) bar(6, color("1
> 81 120 69")) bar(7, color("171 242 255")) bar(8, color("196 252 245"))  bar(9
> , color("167 245 255")) bar(10, color("209 249 255")) legend(rows(5) label(1 
> "Group 1(Grains/Tubers)") label(2 "Group 2(Pulses)") label(3 "Group 3 Nuts/Se
> eds)") label(4 "Group 4(Dairy)") label(5 "Group 5(Meat/Fish)") label(6 "Group
>  6(Eggs)") label(7 "Group 7(Dark green vegs)")label(8 "Group 8(Vit A-rich fru
> its/vegs)")label(9 "Group 9(Other vegs)")label(10 "Group 10(Other fruits)")) 
> legend(size(small)) plotregion(style(none)) graphregion(color(white)) bargap(
> 0) title(" Food groups produced", size(small) color(black))
Please, can anyone advice since stacking it will not visually display the data correctly.

Many thank!!
