I installed the parallel package for stata mp and am trying to execute a command using parallel:reshape long

i first set the clusters and get the following result:

parallel setclusters 4
N Clusters: 4
Stata dir: C:\Program Files (x86)\Stata15/StataMP-64.exe

however , i keep getting the following error after entering the parallel reshape long command, or any other command as well:
Parallel Computing with Stata (by GVY)
Clusters : 4
pll_id : kiaua6hsh1
Running at : \\sts.ad.ualberta.ca\UofA\Home\SPH\vishal\My Documents
Randtype : datetime
Waiting for the clusters to finish...
cluster 0001 has finished with a connection error -601- (timeout) (see more)...

i am wondering if it's a stata dir issue but i couldnt change the directory.

any thoughts?
