I am trying to export the p values for several subgroup comparisons into one file and put them side by side . Here are the codes

xi:svy:mean $descp, over(group)
test [age_g1]1=[`age_g1]2          
 estadd local age_g1_p_dif12= r(p)
 eststo age_g112

test [age_g1]3=[`age_g1]4          
 estadd local age_g1_p_dif34 = r(p)
 eststo age_g134

 esttab age_g112 age_g134 , scalars ("age_g1_p_dif12 age_g1_p_dif34") not drop (*) noobs nonum nodep  nomtitle plain collabels(none) b(3)
the results are this: age_g1_p_~34 .1604724086841665 .1604724086841665, which only gave the scalars for age_g134

if I change the code to
esttab age_g112 age_g134 , scalars ("age_g1_p_dif12" "age_g1_p_dif34") not drop (*) noobs nonum nodep  nomtitle plain collabels(none) b(3)
it gave results for both comparison but in two rows instead of side by side in one row: age_g1_p_~12 .1604724086841665 .1604724086841665
age_g1_p_~34 .2609089770047454

How can I have the two p values side by side?
