
I have a dataset which which lists various crops grown(var - crop_a) on different plots by various farming households(var - a01). One household can have multiple plots( var- plotid) and subsequently multiple crops. I am trying to calculate the number of farmeing household
1. who grow only one crop (say, maize) and do not grow any other crop
2. who grow both maize and betel leaf (two different crops) but no other crops.
3. who grow both maize and betel leaf (two different crops) while they grow other crops too.

* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input double(a01 plotid) int crop_a
   1    3  19
   1    3 701
   1    2 603
   1  3.1  19
   2    .   .
   3  2.1  19
   3    5 701
   3    3  19
   3    2  19
   4    2 603
   4    2 603
   4    5  19
   4    4 603
   4    7 701
   5    3 603
   5    2  19
   5  3.1  19
   5    2 701
   5  2.1  19
   6    2  19
   6    .   .
   7    2 603
   7  2.1 603
   8    .   .
   9    2  19
   9    3 603
  10    7 701
  10    3  19
10.1    9 603

label values crop_a crop_a
label def crop_a 16 "aman  (hyv)", modify
label def crop_a 19 "boro (hyv)", modify
label def crop_a 20 "boro (hybrid)", modify
label def crop_a 23 "maize", modify
label def crop_a 603 "betel leaf", modify
label def crop_a 701 "paddy seedling", modify
For the 1st point, I am creating max and min functions and then creating a conditional dummy variable.
bys a01: egen max_crop = max(crop_a)
bys a01: egen min_crop = min(crop_a)
gen count_dummy = cond(max_crop = 23 & min_crop = 23, 1,0)

But for the other two, i cant find a way out. Please help on this . (Sorry for the ambiguous title)
