I just got access to a SQL Server, where there is a database storing a number of metrics, that I can connect to to download them. I managed to correctly connect, using my credentials, but I am having some issues in understanding how I can request a specific metric. I understand that I need to define a number of attributes, however I don't know how I can program that into Stata.
I have the following R code, which applied to the same database, pulls out a certain metric - see below. My question is, how does this translate into the odbc package?
R Code:
## Request data by country 'select zd.date, zd.val, a.name, z.name from wi_master.dbo.zone_data_view_link vl inner join wi_master.dbo.zone_data zd on vl.fk_zone_data_id = zd.id inner join wi_master.dbo.zones z on zd.fk_zone_id = z.id inner join wi_master.dbo.metrics m on zd.fk_metric_id = m.id inner join wi_master.dbo.attributes a on zd.fk_attribute_id = a.id where vl.fk_data_view_id = 3 and z.type_id = 10 and date_type = 'Q' and zd.fk_metric_id = 3 and zd.fk_attribute_id in (0,755,799,1615) and zd.archive = 0 and date >= '2015-01-01' order by z.name asc, m.name asc, a.name asc, date asc'
Thanks in advance!
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