SWOT is an acronym for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for organizations of all types. The following table illustrates Netflix SWOT analysis: Strengths 1. First mover advantage 2. Corporate culture 3. Original content 4. Global presence Weaknesses 1. Dependence of business model on other companies 2. High level of indebtedness 3. Over-dependence on North American home market 4. Compromised customer service Opportunities 1. Forming strategic partnerships 2. Product line extension 3. Benefiting from AI 4. Increasing focus on locally adapted content Threats 1. Failure of new co-CEOs 2. Video piracy 3. Loss of customers due to rising prices 4. Global market saturation Netflix SWOT Analysis Strengths in Netflix SWOT Analysis 1. Although Netflix did not invent on-demand video streaming, it has proved that this business model can be viable. Netflix was the first company to scale video streaming globally and the company name has become synonym for subsection based on-demand media with huge content library. First mover advantage is a considerable strength for Netflix because it increases brand recognition considerably and establishes the company’s serves as industry standards. 2. Netflix is famous for its non-orthodox corporate culture. The entertainment services provider encourages decision-making by employees at all levels and shares information openly, broadly and deliberately. Moreover, internal communications at the largest streaming service in the world are candid and direct and this also relates to employee performance feedback. Sophisticated corporate culture established by co-founder and former long-term CEO Reed Hastings has played an integral role in the success of the company and it is one of the formidable strengths associated with the business. 3. Netflix was among the first streaming platforms to produce its own content starting from 2011. Over the years the entertainment services provider was able to produce critically acclaimed shows worldwide such as House…
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