I have data where my years are recorded in letters from H to CC (representing 1948 to 2021). The variable labels are the years. I want to rename the years into the actual numbers, with a prefix such as Yr1948, Yr1949 etc. and reshape the years long. At the moment, I'm not able to figure out a straight forward way of doing that.
I tried:
rename H-CC Yr1948-Yr2021, but I know that won't work, just an idea. Any ideas?

* Example generated by -dataex-. For more info, type help dataex
input str38 CountryName str67 IndicatorName long(H I J K L M N)
"Benin"                                  "Goods, Value of Imports, Cost, Insurance, Freight (CIF), US Dollars"         .         .         .         .         .         .         .
"Benin"                                  "Goods, Value of Exports, Free on board (FOB), US Dollars"                    .         .         .         .         .         .         .
"Angola"                                 "Goods, Value of Exports, Free on board (FOB), US Dollars"                    .         .         .         .         .         .         .
"Angola"                                 "Goods, Value of Exports, Free on board (FOB), US Dollars"                    .         .         .         .         .         .         .
"Benin"                                  "Goods, Value of Exports, Free on board (FOB), US Dollars"                    .         .         .         .         .         .         .
"Algeria"                                "Goods, Value of Exports, Free on board (FOB), US Dollars"                    .         .         .         .         .         .         .
"Angola"                                 "Goods, Value of Exports, Free on board (FOB), US Dollars"             42700000  67500000  74500000 109300000  94300000 121500000 102300000
"Benin"                                  "Goods, Value of Imports, Cost, Insurance, Freight (CIF), US Dollars"         .         .         .         .         .         .         .
"Algeria"                                "Goods, Value of Exports, Free on board (FOB), US Dollars"            413400000 313000000 322200000 369900000 398300000 382600000 389300000
"Angola"                                 "Goods, Value of Imports, Cost, Insurance, Freight (CIF), US Dollars"  48100000  49700000  55700000  74400000  89900000  83800000  95500000
"Benin"                                  "Goods, Value of Imports, Cost, Insurance, Freight (CIF), US Dollars"         .         .         .         .         .         .         .
"Angola"                                 "Goods, Value of Imports, Cost, Insurance, Freight (CIF), US Dollars"   9900000   9900000   9700000  11600000  12300000  12700000  15500000
"Angola"                                 "Goods, Value of Imports, Cost, Insurance, Freight (CIF), US Dollars"         .         .         .         .         .         .         .
"Benin"                                  "Goods, Value of Exports, Free on board (FOB), US Dollars"                    .         .         .         .         .         .         .
"Algeria"                                "Goods, Value of Imports, Cost, Insurance, Freight (CIF), US Dollars" 460400000 440300000 415600000 554500000 611700000 549100000 587500000
"Algeria"                                "Goods, Value of Imports, Cost, Insurance, Freight (CIF), US Dollars"  41900000  27700000  18100000  27900000  29000000  16100000  19700000
"Algeria"                                "Goods, Value of Exports, Free on board (FOB), US Dollars"              7000000   5800000   5400000   6700000   3800000   4700000   4900000
"Algeria"                                "Goods, Value of Imports, Cost, Insurance, Freight (CIF), US Dollars"    700000    500000    400000    900000    600000    500000    300000
"Angola"                                 "Goods, Value of Exports, Free on board (FOB), US Dollars"              3300000   8300000  10300000  11000000  25600000  41700000  28400000
"Angola"                                 "Goods, Value of Exports, Free on board (FOB), US Dollars"                    .         .         .         .         .         .         .
"Angola"                                 "Goods, Value of Imports, Cost, Insurance, Freight (CIF), US Dollars"         .         .         .         .         .         .         .
"Angola"                                 "Goods, Value of Imports, Cost, Insurance, Freight (CIF), US Dollars"         .         .         .         .         .         .         .
"Mauritania, Islamic Rep. of"            "Goods, Value of Imports, Cost, Insurance, Freight (CIF), US Dollars"         .         .         .         .         .         .         .
"Mauritania, Islamic Rep. of"            "Goods, Value of Imports, Cost, Insurance, Freight (CIF), US Dollars"         .         .         .         .         .         .         .
"Togo"                                   "Goods, Value of Imports, Cost, Insurance, Freight (CIF), US Dollars"         .         .         .         .         .         .         .
"Togo"                                   "Goods, Value of Imports, Cost, Insurance, Freight (CIF), US Dollars"         .         .         .         .         .         .         .
"Mauritania, Islamic Rep. of"            "Goods, Value of Exports, Free on board (FOB), US Dollars"                    .         .         .         .         .         .         .
"Togo"                                   "Goods, Value of Exports, Free on board (FOB), US Dollars"                    .         .         .         .         .         .         .
"Togo"                                   "Goods, Value of Exports, Free on board (FOB), US Dollars"                    .         .         .         .         .         .         .
"Congo, Dem. Rep. of the"                "Goods, Value of Exports, Free on board (FOB), US Dollars"            242700000 242700000 267400000 395900000 400400000 407000000 396500000
"Ghana"                                  "Goods, Value of Imports, Cost, Insurance, Freight (CIF), US Dollars"   8700000   9200000   7500000   9600000  13500000  11100000   7700000
"Ghana"                                  "Goods, Value of Imports, Cost, Insurance, Freight (CIF), US Dollars"         .         .         .         .         .         .         .
"Ghana"                                  "Goods, Value of Imports, Cost, Insurance, Freight (CIF), US Dollars" 117600000 143300000 125000000 169800000 180000000 198700000 193600000
"Central African Rep."                   "Goods, Value of Imports, Cost, Insurance, Freight (CIF), US Dollars"         .         .         .         .         .         .         .
"Central African Rep."                   "Goods, Value of Imports, Cost, Insurance, Freight (CIF), US Dollars"         .         .         .         .         .         .         .
"Sudan"                                  "Goods, Value of Imports, Cost, Insurance, Freight (CIF), US Dollars"   2600000   1800000   1700000   3400000   5000000   3800000   2500000
"Sudan"                                  "Goods, Value of Imports, Cost, Insurance, Freight (CIF), US Dollars"         .         .         .         .         .         .         .
"Tunisia"                                "Goods, Value of Imports, Cost, Insurance, Freight (CIF), US Dollars" 175500000 139400000 144200000 179300000 182400000 170300000 167800000
"Tunisia"                                "Goods, Value of Exports, Free on board (FOB), US Dollars"                    .         .         .         .         .         .         .
"Tunisia"                                "Goods, Value of Exports, Free on board (FOB), US Dollars"                    .         .         .         .         .         .         .
"Sudan"                                  "Goods, Value of Exports, Free on board (FOB), US Dollars"               100000         .         .         .         .    100000    200000
"Sudan"                                  "Goods, Value of Exports, Free on board (FOB), US Dollars"                    .         .         .         .         .         .         .
"Sudan"                                  "Goods, Value of Imports, Cost, Insurance, Freight (CIF), US Dollars"  90200000  88200000  75700000 117100000 174000000 140000000 135900000
"Burkina Faso"                           "Goods, Value of Exports, Free on board (FOB), US Dollars"                    .         .         .         .         .         .         .
"Burkina Faso"                           "Goods, Value of Exports, Free on board (FOB), US Dollars"                    .         .         .         .         .         .         .
"Chad"                                   "Goods, Value of Exports, Free on board (FOB), US Dollars"                    .         .         .         .         .         .         .
"Chad"                                   "Goods, Value of Exports, Free on board (FOB), US Dollars"                    .         .         .         .         .         .         .
"Rwanda"                                 "Goods, Value of Exports, Free on board (FOB), US Dollars"                    .         .         .         .         .         .         .
"Zimbabwe"                               "Goods, Value of Exports, Free on board (FOB), US Dollars"                    .         .         .         .         .         .         .
"Zimbabwe"                               "Goods, Value of Imports, Free on board (FOB), US Dollars"            170800000 200200000 162300000 237100000 244300000 215100000         .
"Mauritius"                              "Goods, Value of Exports, Free on board (FOB), US Dollars"                    .         .         .         .         .    100000    300000
"Madagascar, Rep. of"                    "Goods, Value of Exports, Free on board (FOB), US Dollars"             41000000  49200000  65100000  64400000  84500000  79300000  86300000
"Togo"                                   "Goods, Value of Exports, Free on board (FOB), US Dollars"                    .         .         .         .         .         .         .
"Togo"                                   "Goods, Value of Exports, Free on board (FOB), US Dollars"                    .         .         .         .         .         .         .
"Egypt, Arab Rep. of"                    "Goods, Value of Imports, Cost, Insurance, Freight (CIF), US Dollars" 663200000 669000000 606500000 679000000 621200000 502700000 470200000
"São Tomé and Príncipe, Dem. Rep. of" "Goods, Value of Imports, Cost, Insurance, Freight (CIF), US Dollars"         .         .         .         .         .         .         .
"São Tomé and Príncipe, Dem. Rep. of" "Goods, Value of Imports, Cost, Insurance, Freight (CIF), US Dollars"         .         .         .         .         .         .         .
"Sudan"                                  "Goods, Value of Imports, Cost, Insurance, Freight (CIF), US Dollars"    900000   4200000   1500000   1800000    100000    100000    100000
"Sudan"                                  "Goods, Value of Imports, Cost, Insurance, Freight (CIF), US Dollars"         .         .         .         .         .         .         .
"Senegal"                                "Goods, Value of Exports, Free on board (FOB), US Dollars"                    .         .         .         .         .         .         .
"Congo, Dem. Rep. of the"                "Goods, Value of Imports, Cost, Insurance, Freight (CIF), US Dollars" 189300000 226200000 189900000 305700000 399800000 358600000 362100000
"Somalia"                                "Goods, Value of Exports, Free on board (FOB), US Dollars"                    .         .         .         .         .         .         .
"Somalia"                                "Goods, Value of Exports, Free on board (FOB), US Dollars"                    .         .         .         .         .         .         .
"Chad"                                   "Goods, Value of Imports, Cost, Insurance, Freight (CIF), US Dollars"         .         .         .         .         .         .         .
"Chad"                                   "Goods, Value of Imports, Cost, Insurance, Freight (CIF), US Dollars"         .         .         .         .         .         .         .
"South Africa"                           "Goods, Value of Imports, Free on board (FOB), US Dollars"                    .         .         .         .         .         .         .
"Mozambique, Rep. of"                    "Goods, Value of Exports, Free on board (FOB), US Dollars"              2500000   3800000   2500000   5500000   4200000   3500000   3300000
"Mozambique, Rep. of"                    "Goods, Value of Exports, Free on board (FOB), US Dollars"                    .         .         .         .         .         .         .
"Madagascar, Rep. of"                    "Goods, Value of Imports, Cost, Insurance, Freight (CIF), US Dollars"   7200000   5800000   5900000   4200000   6000000   4400000   4300000
"Madagascar, Rep. of"                    "Goods, Value of Imports, Cost, Insurance, Freight (CIF), US Dollars"         .         .         .         .         .         .         .
"Madagascar, Rep. of"                    "Goods, Value of Exports, Free on board (FOB), US Dollars"              1500000   1600000   3900000   3900000   4400000   5100000   9800000
"Malawi"                                 "Goods, Value of Imports, Cost, Insurance, Freight (CIF), US Dollars"         .         .         .         .         .         .         .
"Malawi"                                 "Goods, Value of Imports, Cost, Insurance, Freight (CIF), US Dollars"         .         .         .         .         .         .         .
"Madagascar, Rep. of"                    "Goods, Value of Imports, Cost, Insurance, Freight (CIF), US Dollars"  75200000  82100000  83800000 128800000 131700000 127400000 134300000
"Côte d'Ivoire"                         "Goods, Value of Imports, Cost, Insurance, Freight (CIF), US Dollars"         .         .         .         .         .         .         .
"Côte d'Ivoire"                         "Goods, Value of Exports, Free on board (FOB), US Dollars"                    .         .         .         .         .         .         .
"Morocco"                                "Goods, Value of Imports, Cost, Insurance, Freight (CIF), US Dollars"  50400000  44600000  27100000  37700000  45600000  40100000  46600000
"Morocco"                                "Goods, Value of Imports, Cost, Insurance, Freight (CIF), US Dollars"         .         .         .         .         .         .         .
"Congo, Rep. of"                         "Goods, Value of Imports, Cost, Insurance, Freight (CIF), US Dollars"         .         .         .         .         .         .         .
"Congo, Rep. of"                         "Goods, Value of Imports, Cost, Insurance, Freight (CIF), US Dollars"         .         .         .         .         .         .         .
"Egypt, Arab Rep. of"                    "Goods, Value of Exports, Free on board (FOB), US Dollars"             18500000  13100000  44300000  56200000  48400000  16400000  18900000
"Liberia"                                "Goods, Value of Exports, Free on board (FOB), US Dollars"                    .         .         .         .         .         .         .
"Liberia"                                "Goods, Value of Exports, Free on board (FOB), US Dollars"                    .         .         .         .         .         .         .
"Kenya"                                  "Goods, Value of Exports, Free on board (FOB), US Dollars"              5600000   6300000   6400000   7500000   7400000   4100000   4700000
"Kenya"                                  "Goods, Value of Exports, Free on board (FOB), US Dollars"                    .         .         .         .         .         .         .
"Equatorial Guinea, Rep. of"             "Goods, Value of Imports, Cost, Insurance, Freight (CIF), US Dollars"         .         .         .         .         .         .         .
"Tunisia"                                "Goods, Value of Imports, Cost, Insurance, Freight (CIF), US Dollars"    100000    100000    500000    300000         .    200000    100000
"Tunisia"                                "Goods, Value of Imports, Cost, Insurance, Freight (CIF), US Dollars"         .         .         .         .         .         .         .
"Mali"                                   "Goods, Value of Exports, Free on board (FOB), US Dollars"                    .         .         .         .         .         .         .
"Morocco"                                "Goods, Value of Imports, Cost, Insurance, Freight (CIF), US Dollars" 374600000 354200000 313100000 437100000 501800000 480400000 469700000
"Mauritius"                              "Goods, Value of Imports, Cost, Insurance, Freight (CIF), US Dollars"  40100000         .         .  21000000  45800000  50600000  43500000
"Djibouti"                               "Goods, Value of Imports, Cost, Insurance, Freight (CIF), US Dollars"         .         .         .         .         .         .         .
"Djibouti"                               "Goods, Value of Imports, Cost, Insurance, Freight (CIF), US Dollars"         .         .         .         .         .         .         .
"Morocco"                                "Goods, Value of Exports, Free on board (FOB), US Dollars"            165200000 174000000 178300000 236300000 253900000 250500000 267200000
"South Africa"                           "Goods, Value of Exports, Free on board (FOB), US Dollars"                    .         .         .         .         .         .         .
"Nigeria"                                "Goods, Value of Exports, Free on board (FOB), US Dollars"            251500000 297400000 250000000 331200000 356300000 342600000 419000000
"Niger"                                  "Goods, Value of Imports, Cost, Insurance, Freight (CIF), US Dollars"         .         .         .         .         .         .         .
"Somalia"                                "Goods, Value of Exports, Free on board (FOB), US Dollars"                    .         .         .         .         .         .         .
"Somalia"                                "Goods, Value of Exports, Free on board (FOB), US Dollars"                    .         .         .         .         .         .         .
"Rwanda"                                 "Goods, Value of Imports, Cost, Insurance, Freight (CIF), US Dollars"         .         .         .         .         .         .         .
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