Dear Stata-Community,

I have an urgent question and I hope you can help me!

One of our Reviewers asked for providing more specific information about the explanation by one variable in the model for the variane of the whole model. How can I conduct such a test?

We use panel data Stata 17 and the following command for the regression:

xtreg Sat i.OP_new##i.ps_new sex nation DauerSE Arbeitszeit c.bildjahre##c.bildjahre Health lnNetHHIncome kids AZPart i.UGroeße_1 i.Branche1 i.syear, re vce(robust)

We have to provide the information about the explanation by the variable AZPart for the variance of the whole Model.

Maybe someone of you has been confronted with the same question or request!

Best from Germany,