Dear Stata Users,
I am new on the platform and also on Stata, so I am looking for someone to kindly help me with an issue. Basically, I have a panel dataset from 1998 to 2015 on Italian municipalities' public finances (i.e. cost of general administration for the municipality "i" for each year, though I happen to have some missing values. I collected data from the Ministry of Interior). Then I created two dummy variables: one called "financial distress" and the other one called "financial restructuring plan", respectively indicating whether a local entity ever encountered financial distress or if it ever activated a long-term restructuring plan. Financial Distress=1 in the year when a municipality entered financial distress onwards, and 0 otherwise. The same goes for the other dummy variable, being financial restructuring plans=1 the year when a local entity activated a restructuring plan onwards. Finally, I created another dummy called "treated" taking value=1 if either "financial distress" or "financial restructuring plan" = 1. My goal is to estimate the impact of financial distress and of the activation of restructuring plans on local public finances, but I don't know how to build the model considering that the dummy variables don't start all at the same period (ex. Rome; cost of general administration=100; financial distress=1 from 2005 onwards; financial restructuring plan = 0 in every year; treated=1 from 2005 onwards etc.). I am quite sure that the right model to adopt is a staggered DiD but as I am 'new' in this field I would really appreciate some help. I know it sounds easy to many of you, but I am just kindly looking for some help for my research.

Thank you in advance and I hope you all have a nice day!