I'm trying to automatize/optimize the code used to create my primary table.
What I'm trying to do is to make a table for each of my explaining variables according to vaccination status (yes/no) with frequencies and percentages for each category and the combine them in a matrix that I will write to an excel file.
If I were to do this individually for each variable this would be the code (here with sex as an example):
estpost tab vac sex , nototal matrix freq_sex=e(b)' matrix perc_sex=e(colpct)' matrix coljoinbyname freq_perc_sex = freq_sex perc_sex mata freq_perc_sex=st_matrix("freq_perc_sex") freq_perc_sex=colshape(freq_perc_sex,4) st_matrix("freq_perc_sex", freq_perc_sex) end mat list freq_perc_sex
However, I would like to do this in a loop naming each matrix freq_perc_`var'. I can't get it to work though. Any inputs on the following code?:
foreach var of varlist (sex education treatment) {
estpost tab vac `var' , nototal matrix freq_`var'=e(b)' matrix perc_`var'=e(colpct)' matrix coljoinbyname freq_perc_`var' = freq_`var' perc_`var'
freq_perc_`var'=st_matrix("freq_perc"_`var') freq_perc=colshape(freq_perc,4) st_matrix("freq_perc"_`var', freq_perc_`var')
end mat list freq_perc }
How do I implement the ´var' in the st_matrix()? I guess this is where the problem is.
When running the code I get the following error
11. end ---Break--- r(1); end of do-file ---Break--- r(1)
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