I am trying to generate Dummy variables from a question with multiple responses. Lamentably I am getting a problem with reshape command. example:
clear all set more off input str90 respuesta "Diagnostico" "Evaluacion" "Tratamiento" "Acompañamiento de niños" "Acompañamiento de apoderados" "Tratamiento, Evaluacion" "Tratamiento, Diagnostico" "Diagnostico, Evaluacion" "Diagnostico, Evaluacion, Tratamiento" "Diagnostico, Evaluacion, Acompañamiento de apoderados, Acompañamiento de niños" "Diagnostico, Tratamiento" "Diagnostico, Tratamiento, Acompañamiento de apoderados" end gen id=_n replace respuesta= trim(itrim(ltrim(respuesta))) split respuesta, generate(v) parse(, " ") trim reshape long v, i(id) j(num) drop if missing(v) drop num generate one = 1 reshape wide one, i(id) j(v) string (note: j = Acompañamiento Diagnostico Evaluacion Tratamiento apoderados de niños) values of variable v not unique within id Your data are currently long. You are performing a reshape wide. You specified i(id) and j(v). There are observations within i(id) with the same value of j(v). In the long data, variables i() and j() together must uniquely identify the observations. I tried with: bys id: gen newid=_n reshape wide one, i(id) j(newid) variable v not constant within id Your data are currently long. You are performing a reshape wide. You typed something like
Pd: My commands post the reshape:
foreach v of varlist one* { replace `v' = 0 if `v'==. } rename (one*) (*)
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