I have been using CMP, a wonderful package for models whose disturbance terms are multivariate normally distributed, to simultaneously estimate a model with a probit, a multinomial probit and (in some cases) linear models. I'm currently using Stata 16 under Windows 10 and a household survey with around 5000 observations for context.
CMP can now generate predicted probabilities for the multinomial probit part of the model, but they don't appear to sum to 1. Or more precisely, when asking for the probabilities of the modeled outcomes and calculating the probability of the reference outcome as 1 minus the sum of the modeled outcomes, I regularly get a negative predicted probabilty for the reference outcome (and for some observations, the sum of the predicted outcomes of my 4-outcome mprobit is 3). Here is an example of the code used:
constraint 1 [_outcome_1_2]: ExtraRooms Livestock constraint 2 [_outcome_1_3]: Certified Livestock constraint 3 [_outcome_1_4]: Certified ExtraRooms gen inmprob=Employed*$cmp_mprobit count local ndraws=round(sqrt(r(N)*2)) cmp (JobType: part_status = `JobTypeVars') /* */ (WageEmp: WageEmp = `RedFormVars') /* */ (Select: Active = `SelectVars') [pw=${weightvar}], /* */ ind(inmprob $cmp_probit $cmp_probit) struc ghkdraws(`ndraws', type(halton)) nolr nonrtol constraints(1/3) levelsof part_status, local(ylevs) local ny: word count `ylevs' gen double Pr_1=1 forvalues j=2/`ny' { predict Pr_`j', eq(#`j') pr replace Pr_1=Pr_1-Pr_`j' } gen double sumps = Pr_2 + Pr_3 + Pr_4 sum sumps, d
sumps ------------------------------------------------------------- Percentiles Smallest 1% .3317354 .2309818 5% .4679055 .2455179 10% .5658572 .2640299 Obs 4,742 25% .784298 .2640347 Sum of Wgt. 4,742 50% .9918313 Mean 1.223272 Largest Std. Dev. .8293418 75% 1.004787 3 90% 3 3 Variance .6878078 95% 3 3 Skewness 1.545598 99% 3 3 Kurtosis 3.743591
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