Dear all,

I implement user written command oaxaca_rif, which preforms Oaxaca Blinder decomposition with recentered influence function.

When using bootstrap option weights are not allowed. Is there a way to use survey weights with bootstrap standard errors in this command?

I can eigher run one of the following models:

bootstrap, reps(100): oaxaca_rif y x1 x2, by(female) wgt(0) rif(mean)
oaxaca_rif y x1 x2 [w=weight], by(female) wgt(0) rif(mean)

Firpo et al. 2018 paper uses bootstrap standard errors when presenting emipirical example, some other authors also used bootstrap s.e, but with no information about sample weights although sample microdata where used.

Here are main references:

Firpo, S. P., N. M. Fortin, and T. Lemieux. 2018. Decomposing wage distributions using recentered influence function regressions. Econometrics 6: 28.

Rios-Avila, F. 2020. Recentered influence functions (RIFs) in Stata: RIF regression and RIF decomposition. Stata Journal, 20(1), 51-94.

I hope somebody can help me.

Best wishes,