
I am trying to perform the following production function estimation procedure. I have a panel of firms where the dependent variable is LogY and dependent variables are Lspend, Espend, KL, ML. The paramters to estimate are rho, akal, amal, sig.

program nlpfe    
    version 16
    syntax varlist(min=5 max=5) if, at(name)
    local LogY: word 1 of `varlist'
    local Lspend: word 2 of `varlist'
    local Espend: word 3 of `varlist'
    local KL: word 4 of `varlist'
    local ML: word 5 of `varlist'

    // Define parameters
    tempname rho akal amal sig
    scalar `rho' = `at'[1,1]
    scalar `akal' = `at'[1,2]
    scalar `amal' = `at'[1,3]
    scalar `sig' = `at'[1,4]

    // Some temporary variables (functions within CES)
    tempvar kterm mterm constant
    generate double `kterm' = `akal'*(`KL'^((`sig'-1)/`sig')) `if'
    generate double `mterm' = `amal'*(`ML'^((`sig'-1)/`sig')) `if'
    generate double `constant' = ln(`rho'/(`rho'-1)) `if'

    // Now fill in dependent variable
    replace `LogY' = `constant' + ln(`Lspend'*(1+`kterm'+`mterm') + `Espend') `if'
I want to do this by industry. So the estimation command looks like this, where ind is the variable that records industries:

levlesof ind, local(industry)
foreach j of local industry {
    nl pfe @ LogY Lspend Espend KL ML if ind == `j', parameters(rho akal amal sig) initial(rho 2 akal 2 amal 2 sig 2)
This is working well. However, it is not exactly what I want. Indeed I would like to have estimates of akal, amal and sig that vary by industry (as I have now) but an estimate of rho that is common across industries. Any tips on how that can be done?

Emmanuel Murray Leclair