
I am working on panel data, and I want to know how many workers are in the household. An example of the data is as follows:
HHID ID rlt emply
00100 1 1 1
00100 2 3 0
00100 3 - -
00100 4 - -
00101 1 1 1
00101 2 3 0
00101 3 6 1
00101 4 8 0
00101 5 - -
00102 1 1 0
00102 2 2 0
00103 1 1 1
00103 2 2 0
00103 3 8 1
HHID is the household ID, while for ID is the ID for each individual. rlt is the relationship with the head of the household, for example: =1 if head of household, =2 if spouse, =8 if siblings, =3 if children and =6 if parents. Finally, emply =1 if it works and =0 if it doesn't work.

Can help you to find the number of workers for each household? Thank you/