Dear all,

Because I have to use FIML in my analyses, I'll have to rewrite my code from using the 'regress' to using the 'sem' command. Before I used regout2 to export the tables, but now I have no clue to export the models from my SEM model into formatted tables.

My current code:

qui reg z_post_`var' i. treatment if group ==0
outreg2 using "$filename1", $outreg2 ctitle ("Model 1", "`lab'") addtext (Families, `g1', Robust SE, NO, Random effects, NO, Missing, MIM, Pretest, NO) nor2
Has to be rewritten to something like this:

sem (z_post_`var' <- treatment) if group ==0, method(mlmv)
*... a way to export the results into tables
Any ideas are welcome!